Graduate Students

Graduate programs are designed to accommodate the interest and objectives of each student. Students in MS and PhD programs conduct original research and receive thorough training in investigative techniques by use of modern facilities with guidance by experienced faculty. The large number of faculty and the diversity of their research interests provides flexibility in graduate training. Course requirements for each student are determined by the major professor and the supervising committee with consideration given to the student's qualifications and professional interests and goals.

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Adriano Abreu Moreira

PhD Student
for Dr. Allan Fritz
/ Dr. Mary Guittieri
Email Adriano

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Luiz Felipe Antunes de Almeida

MS Student
for Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti

Email Luiz

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Lucas Alexandre Batista

PhD Student
for Dr. Allan Fritz

Email Lucas

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Jessica Bezerra de Oliviera

PhD Student
for Dr. Charles Rice
Email Jessica

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Megan Bourns

PhD Student
for Dr. Nathan Nelson
Email Megan

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Will Boyer

PhD Student
for Dr. Walter Fick
Email Will

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Addison Carroll

PhD Student
for Dr. Allan Fritz
Email Addy

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Zachariah Carson

MS Student
for Dr. Augustine Obour
Email Zachariah

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Marshall Clinesmith

PhD Student
for Dr. Allan Fritz
Email Marshall

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Sofia Cominelli

MS Student
for Dr. Andres Patrignani
Email Sofia

Alexis Correira

Alexis Correira

PhD Student
for Dr. DeAnn Presley
Email Alexis

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Dwight Davidson

MS Student
for Dr. Eduard Akhunov / Dr. Allan Fritz
Email Dwight

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Matthew Davis

MS Student
for Dr. Ramasamy Perumal / Dr. Terry Felderhoff
Email Dwight

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Gabriel da Rocha Hintz

MS Student
for Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti
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Ethan Denson

MS Student
for Dr. Anita Dille
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Nicholas Detter

MS Student
for Dr. John Holman / Dr. Kraig Roozeboom
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Nishadi Dopampe

Nishadi Dopampe Mudiyanselage

MS Student
for Dr. Ganga Hettiarachchi
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Alex Dominguez

Alex Dominguez

MS Student
for Dr. Allan Fritz / Dr. Mary Guittieri
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Julia Eilert

MS Student
for Dr. Allan Fritz / Dr. Guihua Bai
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Amila Darshana Emilhami Mudiyanselage

Amila Darshana Emihami Mudiyanselage

PhD Student
for Dr. Ganga Hettiararchchi

Email Amila

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Maria Garcia Helguera

MS Student
for Dr. Dorivar Ruiz Diaz
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Kathy Gehl

Kathy Gehl

PhD Student
for Dr. Peter Tomlinson
Email Kathy

Nicolas Giordano

Nicolas Giordano

PhD Student
for Dr. Romulo Lollato
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Cesar Guareschi

Cesar Guareschi

MS Student
for Dr. Charles Rice
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Sujith Gunturu

Sujith Gunturu

MS Student
for Dr. Stephen Welch
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Eduardo Gutierrez

Eduardo Gutierrez

PhD Student
for Dr. Ganga Hettiarachchi
Email Eduardo

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Raghav Joshi

PhD Student
for Dr. Raj Khosla
Email Eduardo

Endy Kailer

Endy Kailer

PhD Student
for Dr. Charles Rice
Email Endy

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Leonardo Lemes Bosche

MS Student
for Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti

Email Leonardo

Elly Manzar

Elly Manzar

PhD Student
for Dr. Nathan Nelson
Email Elly

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Monica Marrs

MS Students
for Dr. Vipan Kumar / Dr. Anita Dille
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Pedro Moringo

MS Student
for Dr. Dorivar Ruiz Diaz
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Jack Murphy

MS Student
for Dr. Ganga Hettiarachchi
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FNU Muazzama Mushtaq

MS Student
for Dr. Chuck Rice
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Gustavo Nocero Santiago

MS Student
for Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti

Email Jovani

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Jovani de Oliveira Demarco

MS Student
for Dr. Dorivar Ruiz Diaz

Email Jovani

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Sindhu Palla

PhD Student
for Dr. Gaurav Jha
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Francisco Palmero

PhD Student
for Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti
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Sudipti Parajuli

MS Student
for Dr. Eduardo Santos
Email Sudipti

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Sabreena Ayoub Parray

MS Student
for Dr. Ramasamy Perumal / Dr. PV Vara Prasad

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Yasir Nazir Parrey

MS Student
for Dr. Mithila Jugulam / Dr. PV Vara Prasad
Email Amber

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Maria Pereyra Picobea

PhD Student
for Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti
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Tiffany Poydras

MS Student
for Dr. Charles Rice
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Luiz Pradella

Luiz Pradella

MS Student
for Dr. Romulo Lollato
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Ajay Prasanth Ramalingam

PhD Student
for Dr. Ramasamy Perumal / Dr. PV Vara Prasad
Email Ajay

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Salina Raila

MS Student
for Dr. Sarah Lancaster
Email Gustavo

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Gustavo Roa Acosta

PhD Student
for Dr. Dorivar Ruiz Diaz
Email Gustavo

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Jorge Romero Soler

MS Student
for Dr. Romulo Lollato

Email Jorge

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Bryan Rutter

PhD Student
for Dr. Dorivar Ruiz Diaz
Email Bryan

Tamjid Sakib

Tamjid Sakib

PhD Student
for Dr. Nathan Nelson
Email Tamjid

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Joana Schroeder de Souza

MS Student
for Dr. Anita Dille
Email Tamjid

Sarah Sexton-Bowser

Sarah Sexton-Bowser

PhD Student
for Dr. Andres Patrignani
Email Sarah

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Rishabh Singh

MS Student
for Dr. Mithila Jugulam
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Wagner Squizani de Arruda

MS Student
for Dr. Charles Rice
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Sydney Stutz

MS Student
for Dr. Allan Fritz / Dr. Mary Guttieri
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Midhat Zulafkar Tugoo

MS Student
for Dr. Ramasamy Perumal / Dr. PV Vara Prasad
Email Augusto

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Enzo Unzain Moreno

MS Student
for Dr. Allan Fritz
Email Enzo

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Emmanuela van Versendaal Pirez

MS Student
for Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti
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Irosha Wanithunga

PhD Student
for Dr. Charles Rice
Email Irosha

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Nishadini Widanagamage

MS Student
for Dr. Andres Patrignani
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Bandara Weerasekara

PhD Student
for Dr. Eduardo Santos / Dr. Steven Welch
Email Bandara

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Lina Zhang

MS Student
for Dr. Xiaomao Lin / Dr. Guihua Bai
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