Alfalfa is among the most important domesticated forages cultivated in Kansas, with an average of 650,000 acres harvested for hay and haylage every year, and average yield of about 3.5 tons per acre. Most of the dryland alfalfa is produced in central Kansas, with Barton County taking leadership in acreage. Meanwhile, most of the irrigated alfalfa concentrate in southwest Kansas, with Finney and Kearny counties taking the lead in irrigated acres.
Alfalfa is a very important forage for both the crop and livestock industries, with uses ranging from crop rotation and animal grazing to protein supplement in feedlots.
Supporting Publications
In order to help with your alfalfa production, we've put together several research documents. These cover a variety of problems that you may encounter or questions you may have.
Alfalfa Production Handbook
Our production handbook covers the basic needs for planting and maintaining alfalfa crops.
No-Till Alfalfa Establishment after Small-Grain Cereals
A major concern in alfalfa production is stand establishment. It is common for producers to plow, disc, and harrow the ground several times to obtain a firm, level, mellow, weed-free seedbed. This publication introduces the concept of no-till alfalfa establishment after small-grain cereals and suggests planning considerations and planting methods.