Water Analysis

We offer water analysis for nutrient and irrigation water quality analysis for producers. However, full drinking water analysis is not offered.

The most common water analysis from producers is irrigation water quality, which includes both electrical conductivity (E.C.) and sodium (Na) and routinely analyzes for nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N), sulfur (S), and chloride (Cl). Other tests are available upon request.

Sample Collection

When collecting water samples, be careful to have appropriate collection procedures. First, use a clean container and let the water run for a sufficient time to remove any water left in pipes or in storage tanks. Please submit your samples as soon as possible. If you need to wait for any reason, keep them in a cool, dark location. Leaving samples in the collection container in direct sun can alter results.

Label each container clearly and completely fill out the information sheet. Be sure to provide a large enough sample for all tests required. If unsure what sample size to provide, please contact the KSU Soil Testing Lab.

Available Testing


Irrigation water is typically analyzed for nitrate content to determine the reduction in nitrogen fertilizer application due to application of irrigation water.

Irrigation Water Quality

Irrigation water quality analysis gives a measure of the irrigation hazard by application of low quality irrigation water. The individual analysis includes electrical conductivity (EC) and soluble sodium (Na) percentage. Low EC and sodium levels are preferred, but specific levels are some what dependent on soil texture and the crop.

Other Tests

Please contact the KSU Soil Testing Lab if you are interested in additional analyses.


For homeowners and producers:

For researchers:

Soil Testing Laboratory


K-State Research and Extension
2308 Throckmorton PSC
1712 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66506-5503

Ph: +1-785-532-7897

Lab Hours: 

Mon-Fri 8am-5pm