Past Members
Grad Students/Postdoctoral Research Associates
Ruwandi Kumarasinghe, Research Associate
Professor of Chemistry
(Saint Peter’s University, USA)
Manjot Kaur Rekhi
PhD student
(University of New Hampshire)
Sevendeep Kaur Chahal
PhD student
(University of Guelph, Canada)
Buddhika Galkaduwa, Postdoctoral Fellow
Chemistry Supervisor
(Kansas Department of Agriculture Laboratory)
Dissertation title: Mechanistic understanding of fate and transport of selenium, arsenic, and sulfur in a pilot-scale constructed wetland treatment system designed for flue-gas desulfurization wastewater
Zafer Alasmary, Ph.D. Summer 2020
Assistant Professor
(King Saud University, Saud Arabia)
Zafer Saad Alasmary | KSU Faculty
Dissertation title: Laboratory- to field-scale investigations to evaluate phosphate amendments and Miscanthus for phytostabilization of lead-contaminated military sites
Mohammad Almutari, Ph.D. Fall 2019
Director of Plant Production Management
(Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture, Saudi Arabia)
Dissertation title: Improving crop quality: Investigations on soil selenium and zinc transfer and bioavailability
Jay Weeks, Ph.D. Spring 2019
Soil Data Manager, Field Data Solutions
(Indigo Ag )
Dissertation title: Improving environmental health: Investigations into soil lead and phosphorus fate and transport
Joy Pierzynski, Ph.D. Fall 2016
Program Director
(C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic, Ohio State University)
Dissertation title: The effects of P fertilizer addition on P transformations on high-P fixing and grassland soils
Pavithra Pitumpe Arachchige, Ph.D. Summer 2016
Scientific Editor at Nature Communications
Dissertation title: Understanding of coupled physicochemical and mineralogical mechanisms controlling soil carbon storage and preservation
Dorothy Menefee, M.S. Spring 2016
Ph.D. student
(Texas A&M)
Thesis title: Anthropogenic influences on soil microbial properties
Ranju Karna, Ph.D. summer 2014
Post doctoral researcher
(NRMRL-USEPA, Cincinnati, OH)
Dissertation title: Mechanistic understanding of biogeochemical transformation of trace elements in contaminated minewaste materials under reduced condition
Chammi Attanayake, Ph.D. spring 2014
Research scientist
(Soils Lab, Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Dissertation title: Bioavailability of contaminants in urban soils
Phillip Defoe, Ph.D. spring 2014
Adjunct professor (Env. science)
Exp. lab tutor (chemistry)
(Broward College, Fort Lauderdale, Florida)
Dissertation title: Urban brownfields to gardens : minimizing human exposure to lead and arsenic
Vindhya Gudichuttu, M.S. fall 2013
Thesis title: Phytostabilization of multi-metal contaminated mine waste materials: long-term monitoring of influence of soil amendments on soil properties, plants, and biota and the avoidance response of earthworms
Raju Khatiwada, M.S. fall 2011
Thesis title: Speciation of phosphorus in reduced tillage systems: placement and source effect
Janelle Price, Graduate Research Assistant
(2010 Aug- 2012 Dec)
Project : Trace Metal Uptake and Distribution Among Vegetable Varieties
Ravinder Pannu, Graduate Research Assistant
(2008 Aug- 2009 Aug)
Project: Understanding Biogeochemical Transformations of Trace Elements in Multi Metal-Rich Geomaterials Under Stimulated Redox Conditions
Monica Paloma, Postdoctoral Research Associate
(May-August, 2008)
Lab Assistants
Sage Holmes
Kaila Carnley
Vindhya Fernando
Faisal Alqahtani
Buddhika Aththanayaka
Talha Shahryar
Oshadhi Athukorala Arachchige
Caleb Gravesen
Pushpika Munaweera
Kasun Dissanayake
Shreedhara Bajracharya
Shelby Arnold
Carolyn Fox
Rojee Chipalu Pradhan
Prabha Bajracharya
Amy Vu