ASGA Officers
Pedro Morinigo Ferreira |
The president is expected to lead the club in all activities, preside over regular club meetings, set the club agenda for the current year, lead the officers during special meetings, insure the success of the annual football parking fundraising event, and is most responsible for a successful club.
Alexis Correira |
The vice-president is expected to assist the president in all club activities, preside over regular club meetings in the absence of the president, and organize club members for the annual football parking fundraising event.
Sudipti Parajuli |
The treasurer is expected to keep records and receipts of all transactions, balance the checkbook and reconcile bank statements, make payments to guest speakers, arrange and pay for refreshments for seminars and meetings.
Jessica Bezerra de Oliveira |
The secretary is expected to record minutes of all club meetings, assist the president in all club activities, record club events, and activities in the archive, and provide information to the webmaster for posting.
Social Media Manager
Ajay Prasanth Ramalingam |
The social media chair is expected to coordinate social media accounts on Twitter and Facebook to broaden communication with current agronomy graduate students, prospective students, and the community.
Social Chairs
Sabreena Ayoub Parray |
Julio C. Leiva Rivarola |
The social chair is expected to organize fun club activities to increase member interaction.
Cookie Chairs
Jack Daniel Murphy |
Ross Unruh|
The cookie chair helps manage beverages for AGSA general meetings and graduate Agronomy Seminar lectures. These lectures are every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.
GSA/GSC Representative
Midhat Zulafkar Tugoo |
The graduate council representative is expected to attend the graduate council meetings and provide graduate council activity updates to members at monthly meetings.
Faculty Advisors
Dr. Gerard Kluitenberg |
Dr. Eduardo Santos |
The advisors are expected to counsel the officers and members on departmental and university matters, provide guidance on major club decisions, attend club meetings, and work closely with the officers to ensure club excellence and integrity.
AGSA on Social